January 25, 2018 - How to STOP Doing Love Like Everyone Else


Let's be honest: do you really want the love relationship your mother, your best friend or your neighbor has? Even if it's a healthy one, the truth is that modeling YOUR relationship after someone else's is a mistake. Creating a relationship around the things you think you SHOULD do is equally bad. We've all been guilty of doing this. But what if you could create love in a different way? We're here to tell you it's possible! When Tom & I learned how to do this it changed everything.

Tune in right now to learn all about it!

October 12, 2017: How Much Time Are You Willing To Devote To Love?

There's no way around it: our relationships require an investment of time -- our most precious commodity. Most of us rush around in our daily lives saying or thinking things like...“Hurry up, let’s get going....I don’t have time for this!….I have GOT to get to work,” etc.

What we don't realize is we rob ourselves of the comfort that we can only get through human contact and connection. Knowing how to take time to connect when things have gotten so stinky and out of control can be difficult. But tonight, we're sharing some tips to get you started...

October 5, 2017 - How do I experience the good stuff, when all I see is SHIT?

It's in the wake of pain and anguish that each one of us is called to make a very important choice…to decide whether we'll get carried away with fear and anger or find a way to connect with love and joy, the good stuff, instead.

We realize you may be asking: but how do I actually do that?

Find out how right here!

September 28, 2017 - You’re not getting screwed, you’re getting better!

Do you have problems when it comes to sharing yourself with others?

Most of us don’t realize that it takes practice to create and sustain love and connection in our lives. AND, that connection helps us manage our fears of love and intimacy.

If you need help with this practice, join us now and get the tools and skills you need!