Learning To Be Alone

It's about connection with yourself.

The reality was setting in that I was now alone after 13 years of marriage. On my own to pay the bills, buy the groceries, and raise my 5 children, the youngest of which had just started kindergarten.

Stinkin' thinkin' set in...

Can I do it alone? Do I have the strength?

It was one of those moments when I wondered if my marriage was as bad as I thought it was, as I was now required to face my new norm.


Nighttime was the worst for me. I would climb in my bed that was way too cold and felt the silence lingering in the dark. 

At times when I could not take it any longer, I would get up and get my kids to come in and hang out for a while to calm my internal fears. It was called mandatory family time!

What about you?

Does the thought of being alone make you uncomfortable? Do you equate being alone with being lonely...and does that scare you? 

If so, you’re not alone. 

Many of us are instantly filled with dread at the thought of being alone and will avoid it at all costs. 

We jump from relationship to relationship, bury ourselves in work or fill our social calendars to the brim, all to avoid being on our own.  

What we fail to realize is that being alone does not mean loneliness; you can be alone and happy or alone and lonely.  

The good news is...It’s in your hands! 

“Knowing how to be solitary is central to the art of loving. When we can be alone, we can be with others without using them as a means of escape.”

― Bell Hooks

4 Powerful Ways to Connect with You

Get to know yourself NOW. Are you waiting until you lose the weight, make more money, have a bigger house or whatever else it is that you’ve determined you NEED to have in your life before you’re worthy of your own acceptance and love? Don't wait any longer.  Thoughts like these are the thoughts that rob you of the life you were meant to be living right now.

1. Be good to yourself: Even if you don't feel like it.  Don’t wait until company is coming over to clean up your place or prepare a great meal.  Make taking care of yourself a priority and you’ll quickly notice that you feel better all around. 

2. Express Yourself: Yes, even if it makes your stomach flip flop! I guarantee you’ll thank us later. What is that heart and soul of yours longing to express?  Always wanted to go out dancing but waiting for a partner?  No need to wait! You don’t have to hit the dance floor the first time.  Start by showing up and  staying 20-30 minutes before heading home is a huge step. How about painting your nails a bold color..yes, even you men out there. Challenge the opinions of others, and allow your heart's desire to shine through.  Just try it!!

3. Journal your thoughts: Spend a few minutes each day (or even several times a day) to jot down what's up for you  that day, if you tried anything new, any events that caused you to feel a certain way, your hopes or dreams, intentions for the next day, etc. Journaling has countless benefits...

By far the biggest one is it helps to connect you with yourself, and to help you see your personal progress. Get a special notebook just for your self discovery journey, or make one

4. Focus on what you’re grateful for: It’s easy to get caught up in dwelling on what ISN’T going right in your life but making a conscious effort to focus on what IS right will provide the mental shift you need to become more grateful.  Once you see just how much you have to be thankful for, you’ll feel more fulfilled and have less of a desire to seek out people or things that will fill a perceived void in your life.


Over time, and with some practice, I discovered time alone with myself was an oasis...a spring of new life I could draw from when I was worn down from the burden of single parenthood.
I found that as I basked in the silence of listening to  my own voice, I found myself.
I also acquired the courage to face my new norm…ALONE.

Soon I realized things had changed.

When I was alone, I could hear myself confidently saying:

"I can do this, I can pay the bills, I can raise these kids, I am happy, I love me!"

And you know what?  

You can too!

The Experience of Connection is still happening!

The Daily Dose Of Love Community is the place to continue your Connection Challenge experience for the rest of November! Jump in, and keep the Connection happening.

  1. Join our Facebook group, the Daily Dose of Love Community to participate in the challenge AND receive unique supports for the theme of CONNECTION throughout the month of November. 
  2. Make sure you don’t miss a thing and stay connected with us via email here.

Things We Love:

Glorious - A Song of Celebration & The New Lease On Love Shop

Glorious - The Song: Whether you are into rap music or not, Macklemore’s music video “Glorious” is sure to touch your heart. It reminds us all to celebrate life and to fully express who we are. You’ll see the joy of a young man and his grandmother celebrating her 100th birthday. Precious. Enjoy and keep the kleenex close!

New Lease On Love Shop: Big News... 

Our shop of awesome products is finally open! We can now say…

Welcome to the Lease On Love shop! 

Our products are meant to inspire you to experience more moments that matter in your life: whether it’s a sentimental occasion you want to remember, a saying that reminds you to love fully, or something that sparks surprise and encourages more play in your life. We’re here to help you create true moments that matter.

Check out a sampling of some of our fun new products here:

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