Discover the one thing we all need to create loving relationships!

Discover the one thing we all need to create loving relationships!'s so simple it hurts!

How well do you know your partner? Like REALLY know them? Do you feel truly and deeply connected?

If you’re in between relationships, ask yourself this: “Did I ever really develop a deep connection with my ex?”

Connection with others is critical to our happiness and wellbeing…but what does that mean?

As discussed last week, the sharing of one's self is the substance necessary to create connection. It is the stuff that relationships are made of.

No sharing, no connection, no relationship.

How Do You Create Great Relationships?

How Do You Create Great Relationships?

Ooo la's all about connection, baby!

I get asked all the time, "How do you create a great relationship, and keep them great?"

The simple answer is: share yourself.  


Yep, just share yourself, and you're good to go. You're probably thinking...GREAT, got anything else?

Let’s tell the truth here. Sharing personal information about ourselves is difficult for most of us; even for me. I am constantly challenging myself to open up and share more of myself with you


The Power of "NO"

The Power of "NO"

I was a newly-divorced single mom, working a full-time job as a secretary to the vice president of First Security Bank. I got by in my life up to that point by being a big time “people pleaser.” 

When I was asked to do or be involved in anything, at work or personally, the answer was always, "Yes!" Not because I wanted to, not because I saw it was the best thing for my career, me, or my daughter at the time; I said yes simply because I was asked!

As the to-do’s and responsibilities began to pile up, my confidence and self-esteem continued in a downward spiral. 

Are you waiting on your life to change?

Are you waiting on your life to change?

“You don’t understand! I will never be able to have a relationship again!” shouted Shawn.

Sean was angry, disappointed, and hurt with where he found himself in life. As he saw it, his life was over. He had lost all hope for the future he desired and had dreamed of for so many years. Especially now, Sean was certain there was no way to ever have an intimate relationship again, no way to have love.

Six months earlier, Shawn had been diagnosed with AIDS.

From the moment he received the news, Shawn stopped living and loving. He could only see what he considered to be his past mistakes and shortcomings, sometimes blaming himself, sometimes blaming others. 

How should I move on from my messy, ugly past?

How should I move on from my messy, ugly past?

If case you haven’t already heard, our Daily Dose of Love Challenge has inspired hundreds of people to create and experience a dose of love in their lives every day. Even though the challenge is currently over, this incredible community is alive and spreading love all around to those inside the Facebook group.

If you yourself are needing some love, I highly encourage you to jump in and join us, as we have lots of love to share with you.

When the challenge came to an end, and our incredible prizes were awarded to some amazing people, the demand to continue was overwhelming! The community did not want to give up the marvelous sharing and connection that had been created. Truth is, we didn’t want to give it up either.