Dear Staci,
I am newly single after 20 years of marriage, I am finally happy, and consider myself to be young at heart at the age of 53. I was recently contacted by a guy from high school, I had a major crush on back in the day. He messaged me and confessed he also had the hots for me in high school. While on FB, he asked me for my phone number, saying he would like to stay in touch. I, of course said yes, and we have been texting now for a little over two months. The sharing between us has been amazing, but it has all taken place through text. We have confided in each other many of our deepest, darkest secrets. He lives over 900 miles away, but, I let him know this is not a deal breaker for me, and I would like to explore a relationship with him. It seems we think about each other CONSTANTLY; and yet he keeps telling me he's not ready for a relationship. He mentioned last week that he might be ready sometime in the next year. Because of this, I am having a hard time engaging on my dating sites, and dating in general really, because I just can't stop thinking about him. I am so confused, what should I do? Wait around for a year, or move on? I am really needing some help with this.